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Ultimate Nutrition ISO Sensation 93
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Product Overview
Ultimate Nutrition ISO Sensation 93 contains 100% IsoChill® Whey Protein Isolate. IsoChill® is a functional whey protein isolate, processed by a novel ultra-low temperature micro-filtration process. It contains a full balance of undenatured bio-active whey proteins, including immunoglobulin (IgG), lactoferrin (Lf), and glycomacropeptide (GMP). It is derived from sweet whey, membrane-filtered, and spray-dried by indirect heat, to ensure the highest product quality.
Protein, Sodium
Available Weight – 5Lbs (2.26 Kg)
Available Flavours – Cafe Brazil, Chocolate Fudge
30 g of Protein
Serving size is is 1 scoop (33g)
Serving per Container is 69